139 Days To Go

Friday, March 13, 2009

I’ve been too busy lately that I have not keep you posted for about 2 weeks.

Busy and too much pressure at work that everyone in the office is up to their toes and running about to keep up with the challenge at hand.

The challenge??? Yeah, from 3 March, my immediate boss has posted a poster and displaced conspicuously all over the site office. Every office, the hallways, entrances, pantry you name it and it must be there. And everyone is a buzzing about the poster and has different takes on it.


The poster is updated everyday are serves to remind us that the clock is ticking.

Some are challenged, some are pessimistic, some are worried, some are enraged and some just doesn’t care.

I count myself as one of the challenged individual. My boss idea is to make everyone believes that we are able to finish our Project on time, which is on 31 July 2009. Though it is practically impossible, I must support my boss. In the first place, only our department, my boss actually, believes that we are able to finish on time and we need to convince and influence everyone so as to put that extra mile for the Project benefit.

The Planning Department is pessimistic about the target. Based on their updated forecast we are 61 days behind schedule. Though they are pessimistic they have develop a recovery plan to put us back on track to attaining that goal, to finish on 31 July 2009.

Our Project Manager is somewhere between the challenged and pessimistic group. The same thing with the other department heads, i.e, Construction, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Environmental Safety & Health and Engineering.

I live in a Villa with 2 of the managers, Quality Control and Environmental Safety & Health. Once, Sir Manny asked me if we have any extension. I told him we don’t need extension and we will be able to pull it through and finish on time, bearing in mind my support to my immediate boss.

Some of my colleagues are worried by it. For them the thought of finishing the Project means where to go next. Currently, we don’t have new Projects on hand. Our other Project is finishing on 23 April 2009 and we will be finishing on 31 July 2009. If no new Project comes, how the company keep all its current staffs. Are they sending everyone home? This is what makes them worry. I say it is a legitimate worry, because as the current situation right now, a bleak economy is in the horizon and life’s uncertainties are so much take, let alone loosing a job. I believe most of us are not ready to go home, we have a lot of catching up to realize those dreams.

Some are enraged. To them the poster just gives so much stress to their already stressed life. They just don’t understand the purpose of the poster. In any case, you will be facing the same problem, why not face it now.

Some just doesn’t care. They go with their usual way, taking it easy with no extra effort to contribute in attaining our goal to finish on time. For them as long as they receive their pay at the end of the month, they are already contented. These people I consider them shortsighted.

Tomorrow, when I report to office, I will be expecting the poster to read, “139 DAYS TO GO, EITHER YOU SUCEED OR YOU FAIIL”.

I will choose to succeed.


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